Ultimate Empire Registration $ 25.00 GAME MAY92 ULTIMATE EMPIRE EGA VGA GAME FILES: #1empire.sdn There you stand: alone, confident. The building whose baroque balcony rails you are gripping is a massive structure - actually the capital building of your country. You gaze up at the clear, azure sky, then downwards to the skyline of your beautiful capital city. A humbling aura of history clouds your thoughts - but not your vision - as you further lower your gaze to the city streets below. There is a noise rising from there. Rather, there is a thunder rising! Incredibly, as far as your eyes can see, the streets, boulevards, byways, and even alleyways of your city are packed with the people responsible for your rise to power as their supreme leader. Masses of loyal, idealistic faces return your gaze as they voice their approval of your mission with long, loud, appreciative cheers! Your mission? Not less than to conquer the entire planet and institute a worldwide government under the auspices of your beloved ideology. World Empire is a strategy game based on a time in the not too distant future when nationalism is on the decline. The people of the world are tired of the weakened nationalist governments that are constantly bickering with one another over trade restrictions and border disagreements. The beliefs of the world population have polarized into two to four ideologies (depending on the number of players in the game!). Each ideology has a strong, determined leader who considers himself to be militarily capable of uniting the world under one government. _____________________________________________________________ (SDA format (c)Copyright 1992 The SDN Project - SDNet/Works!) _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _________________________________________